The bunnies

Peter and Bugs are my two Mini-Rex bunnies. Jill and I met them at the 2005 Kentucky State Fair, where they were surrounded by hundreds of other bunnies competing for Best in Show. Jill told me that there was something special about these two, and they are indeed very nice little guys, but they have a mischievous penchant for gnawing on woodwork and wires, so it's been a challenge to bunny-proof my house. They seem to have figured out the run of things pretty well though, and are settled in to a hoppy home.

When you adopt a bunny, you begin to understand love. ;~}

The bunnies at the Fair

The bunnies at home

Exploring the backyard

Bugs, posing with Mr. Jack O' Lantern

Peter on the green chair

Peter in the living room, pondering his next move

"What are you looking at?"

On the scent of something

Getting ready to hop onto the pillows under the coffee table

Peter's favorite spot

  • Gordon's Home

  • Snuglbunny's Home